Zinser Spotlight
HI! I'm Lisa Wisneski, better known by students as Mrs. W! I have been part of the Zinser family since 2005 when I transferred here from the Marne Elementary Resource Room where I had taught for four years. As the Resource Room Teacher, I provide one-on-one and small-group instruction in reading, writing, and math as well as support for student's behavior needs. I collaborate with classroom teachers to modify classroom assignments to help students succeed. I love building relationships with students and watching them grow! In addition to the classroom, I also help with staff social events, our child study team, our CKH Process Champion team, and the Leadership team.
My husband Dan and I live in the Kenowa Hills district where we raised our 3 children, Bre, Bekah, and Trevor. This year I am retiring from teaching and looking forward to traveling, spending time with family in Massachusetts, and helping my daughter plan her 2025 wedding! Our first trip will be to Alaska.
I also plan to spend time enjoying hobbies and interests such as reading, biking, hiking, and gardening. I will miss the daily relationships and collaboration with students and teachers, it has been a blessing and a privilege to be a Knight for the past 24 years! Go Knights!
Gold Academy - Summer Basketball Academy
The Grand Rapids Gold, the NBA G League affiliate of the Denver Nuggets, announced today its 2024 Gold Academy Schedule. The team will hold four week-long basketball camps for children ages 8-14. Each program covers on court fundamental instruction and are designed to build basic skills alongside members of the NBA G League staff. All skill levels are welcome.
Current locations and times:
MSA Fieldhouse | June 24-27
8am to noon, Monday through Thursday
Click here to sign up
Holland Recreation | July 8-11
8am to noon, Monday through Thursday
Click here to sign up
Downtown YMCA | July 15-18
8am to noon, Monday through Thursday
Click here to sign up
Lakeshore MSA| July 29 - Aug. 1
8am to noon, Monday through Thursday
Click here to sign up
Camp includes: 4 Grand Rapids Gold tickets for the 2024-25 season, Gold Academy t-shirt, & snacks/drinks.
For more information, contact Trey Conner at 616.350.4881 or tconner@nbagrandrapids.com or register here.
Summer Meals Program Info - click here
Note from Nurse Courtney - Need to Stay Home Sick Chart
Nurse Courtney offers free Strep, Flu, & Covid tests for students. Please give her a call if you have any questions or would like to schedule a test for your child 616-453-2461 ext 4340.
Parking Lot Notes: MAP
➔ Please consider utilizing our bus transportation option to avoid the busy parent pick-up lot
➔ Always look to pull up in line and when possible to help with the flow of traffic.
◆ Tell your child(ren) to look for the correct car and be ready. If your child is late to the class sign and you’ve pulled past it, you can circle around the lot and keep your car moving.
➔ Thank you for those turning right only! We know it’s an inconvenience, but we believe it will help speed up the line and be safer in the long run ( We have a couple accidents a year with vehicles turning left)
➔ Drop off starts at 8:30; children may exit vehicles a few minutes early to get traffic flowing, and must wait by their grade sign until the 8:30 bell.
➔ We do have two lanes in the parking lot. Please only use the right lane for drop off and pick up, the inside lane is a pass by lane only! Please pass by with caution.
The school day ends at 3:37
Attendance/Drop Off - Pick Up
Our start time is 8:35 am! We need your help getting students here on time! Any students arriving after 8:40 will be marked tardy. Any students arriving after 9:05 am without an excused call/absence will be marked unexcused for the morning session. Please call our attendance line at 616-453-2461 opt.1 or email ziattendance@khps.org to communicate your student’s absence, early leave time, or late arrival. STRIVE FOR FIVE!!!
Nothing is more precious than your children. Find out how we work to ensure students feel safe, valued, and that they belong.
Safety and Security Commitment to Anti-Bullying Creating Inclusive Environments Safety DrillsLife is busy. At Kenowa Hills, we partner with families to make life easier.
TRANSPORTATION BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CAREOur Personal Mastery educational experience has redefined education and has gained attention around the state and nation. Personal Mastery provides your child with personalized attention from teachers. Instead of teaching to a broad group of students without an understanding of their individual strengths and weaknesses, Personal Mastery allows teachers to interact with students individually or in small groups to help them better address their weaknesses. In this way, we strive to help your child reach their full potential.
PERSONAL MASTERY SPECIAL EDUCATION ENGLISH LEARNERS TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOMAt the home of the Knights, athletic programs are a vital part of building character, drive, commitment, and teamwork for our student athletes.
UP-TO-DATE SPORTS INFO ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT YOUTH SPORTS Athletic BoostersThe arts build pride and community at Kenowa Hills. From our Marching Knights to musical performances at our Performing Arts Center, we believe the student experience really is a work of art.