Serving Our

Board of Education

The Kenowa Hills Board of Education provides the guidance and support that is characteristic of good leadership in all successful organizations. They have established a track record of making decisions based on the best interest of our students and they are strong advocates for parental involvement.

TitleNameEmailTerm Expires
PresidentErin LaBotzelabotz@khps.org12/31/2028
Vice-PresidentJeff Gustinisjgustinis@khps.org12/31/2026
TreasurerCorey Turnercturner@khps.org12/31/2028
SecretaryDanielle Robertsdroberts@khps.org12/31/2026
TrusteeMelissa Courtademcourtade@khps.org12/31/2028
TrusteeTracey Hartthart@khps.org12/31/2026
TrusteeMark Robinsonmrobinson@khps.org12/31/2026


2025-26 Regular Meetings

1/27/2456:00 p.m.Early Childhood Center3971 Richmond Ct. NW, Grand Rapids
2/24/256:00 p.m.Central Elementary4252 3 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
3/24/256:00 p.m.Alpine Elementary4730 Baumhoff Ave. NW, Comstock Park
4/21/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
5/19/256:00 p.m.High School3825 Hendershot Ave. NW, Grand Rapids
6/23/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
8/25/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
9/22/256:00 p.m.Middle School3950 Hendershot Ave. NW, Grand Rapids
10/27/256:00 p.m.High School3825 Hendershot Ave. NW, Grand Rapids
11/24/256:00 p.m.Pathways High School3950 Hendershot Ave. NW, Grand Rapids
12/15/256:00 p.m.Zinser Elementary3949 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids

2025-26 Other Whole Board Meetings

6/9/25 Budget Hearing, 6:00 p.m., at the Administration Building 
(Proceeds the Committee of the Whole which immediately follows the Budget Hearing.)
6/18/25 (Wednesday) Special Meeting, Superintendent Evaluation, 6:00 p.m., at the Administration Building 
12/10/25 (Wednesday) Special Meeting, Superintendent Mid-Year Evaluation, 6:00 p.m., at the Administration Building 
1/12/26 Organizational Meeting, 6:00 p.m., at the Administration Building


2025-26 Committee of the Whole Workshops Meetings

2/10/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
3/10/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
5/5/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
6/9/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
8/11/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
9/8/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
10/13/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids
11/10/256:00 p.m.Administration Building2325 4 Mile Rd. NW, Grand Rapids


The Process to Communicate Concerns

Kenowa Hills Public Schools has set an approved Chain of Command, which is a process by which to communicate concerns with school personnel. We strive to provide an exemplary, well-rounded experience for each learner; however, we recognize there will be times when you have a concern that needs to be addressed. In these cases, please follow our Process for Communicating Concerns.

Click here to access Board Policies.

Click here to access the Board Document Archive.


School Board Meeting Documents

8/12/24: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
8/26/24: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
9/9/24: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
9/23/24: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
10/24/24: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
10/21/24: Cancellation Notice (Rescheduled for 11/6/24) - Notice - Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
10/25/24: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
11/6/24: Notice - Agenda - Minutes
11/11/24: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
11/25/24: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
12/11/24: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
12/16/24: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
01/13/25: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
01/27/25: AgendaMeeting MaterialsMinutes 
02/10/25: AgendaMeeting MaterialsMinutes
02/24/25: AgendaMeeting MaterialsMinutes 
03/10/25: AgendaMeeting MaterialsMinutes  
03/24/25: AgendaMeeting Materials – Minutes
04/21/25: Agenda – Meeting Materials – Minutes  
05/05/25: Agenda – Meeting Materials – Minutes  
05/19/25: Agenda – Meeting Materials – Minutes 
06/09/25: Agenda – Meeting Materials – Minutes  
06/23/25: Agenda – Meeting Materials – Minutes

June 24, 2024: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
June 10, 2024: Budget Hearing Agenda - Budget Hearing Meeting Materials - Budget Hearing Minutes - Committee Meeting Agenda - Committee Meeting Materials - Committee Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2024: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
May 9, 2024: Special Meeting Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
May 6, 2024: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
April 15, 2024: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
March 25, 2024: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
March 11, 2024: Notice - Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
February 26, 2024: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
February 12, 2024: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
February 5, 2024: Notice of Special Meeting - Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
January 22, 2024: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
January 8, 2024: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
December 18: 2023: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
December 11, 2023: Special Meeting Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
November 27, 2023: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
November 13, 2023: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
October 23, 2023: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
October 9, 2023: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
September 25, 2023: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
September 11, 2023: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
August 28, 2023: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
August 14, 2023: Agenda - Meeting Materials - Minutes
July 31, 2023: Notice of Special Meeting - Agenda - Minutes
July 25, 2023: Notice of Special Meeting - Materials - Agenda - Minutes

Proposed minutes of each of the meetings listed above will be available for public inspection during regular business hours at the Administration Building not more than eight (8) business days after the date of said meeting. Approved minutes of each meeting will be available for public inspection during regular business hours, at the same location, not more than five (5) business days after the meeting at which the minutes are approved. Copies of minutes shall also be available at the reasonable estimated cost of printing or copying.

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign-language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in meetings, please contact Julie Lanka, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, at 784-2511 ext. 2225 or at least one week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible.

This notice is given in compliance with Act No. 267 of the Public Acts of Michigan 1976.