Yearbook - Last Call
For those who have ordered yearbooks, they were handed out this week. I f you would like to order a yearbook for your child, you may st ill do so. The cost is $8 plus a $6 shipping fee, and the yearbook will be shipped di rect ly to your home. Order Here:
Wiffle Ball Tournament - Sunday, March 16, from 9 :00 am-4:00 pm
Get ready to have some fun! Join us for a coed competition with teams of 5 players each. The entry fee is just $125 per team, only $25 per player. Best of all, every dollar raised will directly benefit the Kenowa Hills softball program! Don't miss out to have fun and support a great cause!
Sign Up/More Info
Family Council Update
Book Fair is Coming! Please consider volunteering your time to assist students and parents as they purchase books for home that will help us purchase books for school! Sign Up to help here
The book fair will run from February 26-28.
Wednesday, February 26. from 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, February 27 (overlaps conferences) from 8:45 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Friday, February 28 from 8:45 a.m. to 3 p.m.
These times are subject to change depending on if we can get enough volunteers to help cover all the time slots of course.
Also, we added a couple more volunteer slots for popcorn Fridays. We only have two more popcorn Fridays left, 2/21 and 3/21. If anyone is interested in signing up please email
The Roller Skating Party has been re-scheduled! Mark your calendars for May 7th!
Our teachers and staff put in extra long hours during conference time. We will be providing dinner for the staff on both conference nights. This is a small way we can show our support. Please send your monetary donations in a sealed envelope marked P/T conference donation by March 4, and your food item to school by February 26 or March 3 depending on the item you are bringing. Thank you for taking care of our staff. They are truly grateful for the support! Sign up to help here.
Please join us - Our next Family Council Meeting will be Tuesday, February 11th at 6:30pm - Meeting will be located in the cafeteria (childcare provided)
Lacrosse Registration - 3rd - 6th Grade Boys
Registration ends March 21st - Register online or more info.
Aquinas Youth Basketball Shooting Camp
April 7, 9 am-12 pm and April 8, 10 am-1 pm - Boys and Girls K-5th Grade (as of fall 2024). Registration can be found at or email Carl Gibbons at
KHPS Girls Spring Soccer
Learn to play or improve your skills! Sign up sheet is in the office. Tryouts are March 10-12 from 4 pm - 6 pm on the soccer field. Winter drop-ins every Wednesday from 8 pm - 9 pm at Zinser Elementary. Contact or for more info.
Baton Twirling Classes
Join the fun and learn how to twirl a baton! Every Tuesday beginning on February 4th and ending May 27th. Ages 8-18, from 7:00 pm-7:45 pm. Register on February 7th at the first class session. Held at Coit Creative Arts Gymnasium, 617 Coit Ave. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. Cost is $9 per week to be paid at each class plus a $10 registration fee paid at the first class. Batons will be available for purchase at class for $35 each (payment plans available). Questions: call (616) 460-1747 or email or visit our website at
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is looking for coaches for this school year. Click here to learn more and sign up to coach.... Coach Registration info/link:
Total Trek Quest
We’re excited to announce volunteer opportunities for Total Trek Quest for boys! This fantastic program not only helps kids stay active and healthy but also teach valuable life lessons along the way. If you’re interested in coaching and making a difference in our community, please contact our Youth Sports Coordinator, Adam Galindo (
Northwestern Little League - Spring 2025
Sign up for T-Ball through Juniors at NWLL.US. Registration closes on February 28, 2025.
Western Little League - Spring 2025
Registration opens 1/13/25 at and remain open until 2/9/25. Late registration begins on 2/10/25 and a $25 late fee will be applied. Tee Ball - Juniors is available. See the website for more information.
Same Day Virtual Appointments with your School Nurse
Reasons to contact and use HealthBar: sore throat, pink eye, earache, cough, nausea/vomiting, fever, rashes. We can communicate directly with your Primary Care Doctor to keep them informed of diagnosis and treatments. Connect directly with a HealthBar Provider by contacting your school nurse - $15 visits for students/staff, $45 for family members.
Parking Lot Notes: MAP
➔ Please consider utilizing our bus transportation option to avoid the busy parent pick-up lot
➔ Always look to pull up in line and when possible to help with the flow of traffic.
◆ Tell your child(ren) to look for the correct car and be ready. If your child is late to the class sign and you’ve pulled past it, you can circle around the lot and keep your car moving.
➔ Thank you for those turning right only! We know it’s an inconvenience, but we believe it will help speed up the line and be safer in the long run ( We have a couple accidents a year with vehicles turning left)
➔ Drop off starts at 8:30; children may exit vehicles a few minutes early to get traffic flowing, and must wait by their grade sign until the 8:30 bell.
➔ We do have two lanes in the parking lot. Please only use the right lane for drop off and pick up, the inside lane is a pass by lane only! Please pass by with caution.
The school day ends at 3:37
Attendance/Drop Off - Pick Up
Our start time is 8:35 am! We need your help getting students here on time! Any students arriving after 8:40 will be marked tardy. Any students arriving after 9:05 am without an excused call/absence will be marked unexcused for the morning session. Please call our attendance line at 616-453-2461 opt.1 or email to communicate your student’s absence, early leave time, or late arrival. STRIVE FOR FIVE!!!
Nothing is more precious than your children. Find out how we work to ensure students feel safe, valued, and that they belong.
Safety and Security Commitment to Anti-Bullying Creating Inclusive Environments Safety DrillsLife is busy. At Kenowa Hills, we partner with families to make life easier.
TRANSPORTATION BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CAREOur Personal Mastery educational experience has redefined education and has gained attention around the state and nation. Personal Mastery provides your child with personalized attention from teachers. Instead of teaching to a broad group of students without an understanding of their individual strengths and weaknesses, Personal Mastery allows teachers to interact with students individually or in small groups to help them better address their weaknesses. In this way, we strive to help your child reach their full potential.
PERSONAL MASTERY SPECIAL EDUCATION ENGLISH LEARNERS TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOMAt the home of the Knights, athletic programs are a vital part of building character, drive, commitment, and teamwork for our student athletes.
UP-TO-DATE SPORTS INFO ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT YOUTH SPORTS Athletic BoostersThe arts build pride and community at Kenowa Hills. From our Marching Knights to musical performances at our Performing Arts Center, we believe the student experience really is a work of art.